A Brief On Stem Cell Therapy For Carpal Tunnel Syndrome


Former orthopedic surgeon Dr. David Greene, the founder and CEO of r3 stem cell, understands the pain of neural and orthopedic disorders patients. The regenerative treatment and medications embark on a therapeutic approach. Stem cell therapies arising to their full potential for the past two decades, bringing hope and light at the end of the tunnel. No doubt, carpal tunnel syndrome can interfere with daily activities and sleeping patterns, resulting in severe undesired lifestyle changes. Let's study stem cell treatment and carpal tunnel syndrome in detail and understand the intricacies involved. 

All That You Need To Know About Carpal Tunnel Syndrome 

Carpal tunnel syndrome is a condition commencing peripheral nerve damage on the palm side of the hand with chronic and high-pressure compaction on the median nerve. The peripheral nerve connects the body to the central nervous system. But first, let’s bring light to the name itself. The carpal tunnel is named after the contraction of the median nerve, a narrow tunnel-like passageway surrounded by bones and ligaments. 

Symptoms can scale from tingling, numbness, and a weaker grip to pain and reach a point of a tendency to drop things. The fingers and hand are affected with an electric shock-like sensation walking from the wrist up the arm. The numb feeling while kicking off the day-to-day activities is usual, whereas the symptoms and numbness may start to grip a constant weakness, pain, and numbness in life if stretched over time or left untreated. The primary cause ameliorating the condition is the median nerve, thumb's pinching muscles compression. 

Causes And Risk Factors Ensnared To Aggravate Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. 

The median nerve compression locks up the leading cause, which runs from the wrist to the forearm. Activities or chronic health disorders keep you at risk and lead to the squeezing, irritation, or inflammation caused by rheumatoid arthritis, wrist fracture, chronic inflammation, lymphoid, etc.

Gradual narrowing in the carpal tunnel space causes swelling, adding fuel to aggravate the damage. The symptoms stretch from minor to high intensity, classified into three stages: Stage 1 (mild), Stage 2 (moderate), and Stage 3 (severe). 

Can You Heal Carpal Tunnel Naturally? 

We evaluate to address the diverse treatment options available before embarking on the natural healing procedure for carpal tunnel syndrome. Non-surgical treatments harbor on hand and wrist braces to put compacted and constricted nerves in position. Anti-inflammatory medications are often suggested to heal the overused or inflamed nerves in the hand surrounded by tendons. 

Chiropractic adjustments are available if carpal tunnel syndrome results from compression in neck nerves or cervical spine issues. Acupuncture helps speed up the blood flow to reach and supply blood to the affected areas. If we continue talking a way through natural healing procedures, vitamin B6 supplements alleviate and cure carpal tunnel syndrome. 

However, vitamin B6 is a diuretic, and the reason behind the case has been debated. In most cases, vitamin B6 deficiency hampers fluid inappropriateness, resulting in swelling and inelasticity. 

Can Stem Cell Treat Carpal Tunnel Syndrome? | R3 Stem Cell 

Regenerative medicine pays the revolutionary conduct with a ray of hope to cure carpal tunnel syndrome. R3 stem cell therapy and platelet-rich plasma therapy are safe, effective alternatives to surgical treatments, which is the pain uncalled for in carpal tunnel syndrome. 

Stem cell therapy considers boosting the healing process that repairs the damaged nerves of the wrist in the carpal tunnel space. With no downtime, the r3 stem cell initiates the non-surgical and painless administration of the stem cells. A thorough consultation at r3 stemcell can examine the symptoms and ensure the appropriate results paying heed to the details of whether you are a potential candidate for the treatment. 


A visit to a doctor is recommended when the symptoms start interfering the sleep patterns and everyday activities. However, if the condition is left untreated for a more extended period, it can call for permanent muscle and nerve damage. 

Therefore, Dr. David Greene has delivered a painless, non-invasive, cost-effective approach to carpal tunnel syndrome for the past 17 years. Stem cells help restore elasticity and alleviate the pain and compression in the carpal tunnel space to bring back the day-to-day functioning of the wrist.


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