Upgrading Stem Cells in Space | Dr. David Greene R3 Stem Cell
In order to understand the possibilities of stem cell medicine and stem cell therapies from space, we need to understand the context of the human body. The complications of end-stage conditions--cancer, heart disease, chronic conditions--have led to a greater understanding of the aging process, including how stem cell treatments can slow down. This ultimately creates a positive development in regenerative medicine, vitally essential because humans could live longer, healthier lives with the right interventions. From 1970-to 2018, more than 5 billion people were treated for heart disease and cancer. These individuals and their families left behind genetic mutations. These mutations allow scientists to use stem cell infusions to fight heart disease and cancer in space. What implications could this have for the Earth's current population?
Most people are unaware of a collaborative effort to apply stem cell technology to treat osteoarthritis, diabetes, and a host of other ills on the ground. With Earthlings ever more interested in space exploration and a growing push for off-Earth habitats, the need for reliable and affordable space-based technologies like cell-stem-cell or regenerative repair technologies in areas such as organ repair, tissue and bone regeneration, and repairing spinal cord injuries has never been greater. One of the most prominent and futuristic surgeons, Dr. David Greene R3 Stem Cell, is focused on developing regenerative medicine and therapies for the future. If victorious, the project would do more than ensure most people living on earth have better access to high-quality, low-cost space-based services and facilities. It would also be a technological leap. Stem cells have the potential to provide relief in devastating diseases and conditions.
The answer to growing big batches of stem cells more effectively might be found in space's near-zero gravity. Microgravity has the opportunity to contribute to life-saving improvements on Earth, according to Cedars-Sinai scientists, by aiding the fast mass generation of stem cells. A new article led by Cedars Sinai and published in the peer-reviewed journal Stem Cell Reports highlights significant prospects for expanding stem cell manufacturing in space explored during the 2020 Biomanufacturing in Space Symposium. In microgravity, biomanufacturing, a sort of stem cell production that employs biological materials like microorganisms to create chemicals and biomaterials appropriate for preclinical, clinical, and therapeutic applications, can be more productive. For example, scientists utilize disease modeling to research illnesses and potential therapies by duplicating full-function structures, using stem cells, organoids (miniaturized 3D systems generated from human stem cells that mimic human tissue), or other tissues.
Researchers discovered that bone loss and aging are accelerated when the body is subjected to low-gravity environments for long periods. Researchers can better understand the principles of aging and illness progression by building disease models based on this enhanced aging process. Dr. David Greene R3 Stem Cell is working hard enough to ensure that every patient gets cured of any disease they have. Another hotly debated topic during the symposium was biofabrication, which involves the use of manufacturing methods to create materials such as tissues and organs. One of the essential fabrication technologies is 3D printing. Gravity-induced density, which makes it difficult for cells to expand and increase, is a fundamental challenge in producing these materials on Earth. Scientists are hoping that because there is no gravity or density in space, they will be able to employ 3D printing to create unique forms and goods, such as organoids or heart tissues, that cannot be replicated on Earth.
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