How Can Stem Cell Therapy Enhance Skin Regeneration - Dr. David Greene R3 Stem Cell
The world is revolutionizing in every aspect, and orthopedics is not behind in that. New researches are coming every day, and Stem Cell Therapy is the field where the scope is unimaginable. Speaking from Stem Cells, scientists found something which could be a turning point in modern medical science.
As we all know, the skin is the largest organ in the human body and is crucial for shielding inner organs and muscles. The healing property of the skin is slightly considerable, but when aging comes through the window, actual problems start. When we grow old, all functions in our body weaken, so the skin regeneration. Whenever we get a wound, the skin around it starts moving towards it to heal it, but it’s a natural process and slow. Things get worse when you are old and face a massive injury; Stem Cell Therapy by Dr. David Greene R3 Stem Cell will be a savior for you in this.
What does this research tell about skin regeneration?
The skin cells entitled to the regeneration of skins and wound enclosure through re-epithelialization are called keratinocyte stem cells. However, the regenerative capacity of these cells reduces as they grow older, and it becomes harder to heal when you are old. So, researchers from Japan found some theories about why this happens and the solution to this problem.
Researchers experimented on two mice, a young one and an old one, and derived stem cells for the observation. They found out that a specific molecule called Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor (EGFR) is responsible for regeneration for skin stem cells. However, the signaling of EGFR is reduced in older stem cells, which is why aging drastically affects wound healing procedures. The organization of Dr. David Greene R3 Stem Cell is working on many types of research like this. Still, this discovery was made by the scientists of Tokyo Medical and Dental University.
COL17A1, a specific type of collagen that holds the skin together, controls the actin and keratin levels that lead to the movement of skin stem cells towards the injury. So when the signals of EGFR start declining for any reason, let’s say, for now, aging lowers the levels of COL17A1, and the mobility of skin stem cells also reduces leads to slower regeneration of the skin.
What’s the cure for this chronic problem?
As we discussed further, aging is an issue for the wound healing ability of the skin and the factors responsible for that. So now, the question is what the cure for that is?
In the short term or mild injuries, maybe slow wound healing won’t be considered a problem, but if we see it in a bigger picture, it’s a chronic issue for diabetic patients and many people with non-healing disorders. There are many stages of experiments and investigations required for the solution. The solution for which everyone is looking is finding any way to stabilize the levels of COL17A1 by some process. Many leading organizations like R3 Stem Cell are working towards a better future for the medical industry.
The reason it’s so promising is that if we find any way to do that, it will be a treatment for the declining mobility of skin stem cells. So, if this happens, if you are 60 years old and had an unfortunate accident and had a severe injury, your wounds would be healed like teenagers.
After these years, the medical industry has changed so much that we can even make babies in labs by simple procedures. If you had said what we are experiencing nowadays hundreds of years ago, people would have called you a madman because those things seemed impossible. Now, when we say that it’s impossible, who knows that it might happen in some 5/10/50 years from now. The same thing is with the revolutionizing stem cell therapy.
As we continuously seek better ways to do the same thing to save time, money and look for safety, we found a way to heal the wound more rapidly with some up-gradation in skin stem cells. The whole world is looking towards the scientists, who discovered this theory, and now everyone wants a cure for that problem of reduced mobility of skin stem cells. That day is not far when our wounds will heal in just minutes.
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